Why does this extraterrestrial on a talk show say the aliens want to “help us,” and why are they so interested in our water? Seems fishy… Adam and Tish speak with artist, writer, and Locust Arts & Letters Collective member Laura Fair-Schulz about her work, and how labor, identity, gender, abstraction, dysphoria, and liberation all inform it. At the end of part one, Tish reads a poem from the Stink Ape Resurrection Primer about ghosts going on strike.
Also discussed in this episode: Laura Fair-Schulz, “Candyman 2021: Art Reveals Horror,” Imagojournal.com (October 25, 2021), Laura Fair-Schulz, “Writing Marxism Out of Art History,” RedWedgeMagazine.com (May 1, 2019), Mark Fisher on Magical Voluntarism, the ArtNet series on NFTs and the art world, “Inside the NFT Rush,” by Ben Davis, part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4 (November - December 2021), Frida Kahlo’s house being dismantled for NFTs, Henry Giroux, “Jim Crow Politics Have Descended on Education,” Truthout (October 27, 2021), and more. Artists and writers discussed include Alice Neel, Mark Fisher, Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo, James Baldwin, Richard Hamilton, and more.
Locust Radio is hosted by Tish Turl and Adam Turl. Locust Radio is produced by Alexander Billet and Drew Franzblau. Music is by Omnia Sol.
Laura Fair-Schulz, Comrade Bomb (2021)
Laura Fair-Schulz, Dysmorph Becoming Aware (2021)
Laura Fair-Schulz, Locust Phenotype Plasticity (2021)
Laura Fair-Schulz, Song of the Slow-Motion Capitalist Apocalypse (2021)
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