The architecture of possibility always-already compromised
The unconscious has been gentrified
Meme shocked and future lost
Mommy milkers on the final boss
Do vampires lactate?
Does a fish smell the gasoline it lives in
This receipt serves as your notice of conscription
Recognition is not required for your participation
The industry has registered your pacifism as its own contained identity
The non conformist starter pack with a customizable uniform
The task is not to resist the world
but to forge a new norm
The revolutionary subject is its own composition
-More grave diggers, less morticians-
But I’m tired of digging, lets build a crematorium
Only heroes deserve decomposition
We’ll need the fertilizer if a million flowers are to bloom
………Running in place……...swimming in perfume
Let them eat placenta……...copyright the womb………..
Militant poets-
Demand an immediate forgiveness of libidinal debt
If the personal is political, my politics are an anxiety attack
The algorithm won’t cure your depression
The sacred order of the socio-material condition is having a potlatch
the last sunday of every month
We sign the constitution
on the first monday
that isn’t miserable
Art by Stargirl Zhara (2021).