I wish I was a rich f*g.
Working in that warehouse
Scanning Boxes by the rate
In Bezo’s dusty ass house.
I wish I was a rich f*g.
Just like the gals, I can say.
“Daddy paid my rent, Daddy paid my rent.”
I wish I was a rich f*g.
While having an anti vaxxed ass roommate, telling when I couldn’t cook dinner.
Because at 9 pm, it’s her and her man time in the kitchen.
I wish I was a rich f*g.
While I got off at that time from work and after class.
I wish I was a rich f*g.
While bussing tables at a restaurant, where they don’t tip the busser.
I wish I was a rich f*g.
I would have spray painted, “f*ck this job.” In the lunch room, too.
Oh, I wish I was a rich f*g
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