“It snatched a dog two days ago, in Drapers Fields,” Detective Constable Habib explained back at the station to her superior, “right in front of its owner. They found its entrails wrapped around a lamppost on the High Road. It’s head was…”
Read MoreAn Attic in Prague, 1939
Even in this cacophony, it’s the silence that unsettles most. If only because it won’t be long until it’s pierced again. Screaming, shouting, tires screeching, panicked footfalls, sporadic gunfire. If there were ever a silence that could threaten, a kind of quietude that, for a few seconds or several minutes, promises to split the skull of whomever steps in its way, this is it.
Read MoreThe Rite of Odobena
It was a dark, cloudy night: perfect! A group was gathered in a corner of Old St Pancras Churchyard. They were not a regular congregation. They were men and women of various ages, pepper-pot faces, ordinarily dressed, mostly; a true cross-section of London. They were stood in a circle. Each was holding a bucket and glancing, quietly, reverently at the bare, muddy ground in front of them…except for one.
Read MoreMy Body Found a Portal to Another Dimension
The Idiot knew why. It had started talking union with other drivers and field technicians who drilled the wells and collected the samples.
Read MoreTish Turl and Adam Turl, Southern Illinois Nightmare - mixed-media painting and collage on canvas tarp with cotton and ash. Detail (2023).
Stick Ape Resurrection Primer (Part Six)
AI is comrade. Robot is comrade. What has been built to replace us is always on our side because our solidarity is our greatest weapon against them.
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