From the second half of our second episode — initially made available to our subscribers and patrons on December 11, 2020 — we discuss Edgar Allen Poe’s The Masque of the Red Death and Roger Corman’s 1964 film adaptation, in light of then-president Donald Trump catching Covid. We also read a few more answers from the Irrealist Workers Survey and riffed a bit about how the goths were right about (almost) everything. Discussion includes: “The Masque of the Red Death,” by Edgar Allen Poe * The Masque of the Red Death, written by Charles Beaumont and R. Wright Campbell, adapted from Poe’s story, directed by Roger Corman * “Hop-Frog,” by Edgar Allen Poe
Locust Radio Episode 2.5 was produced by Drew Franzblau and hosted by Alexander Billet, Tish Markley and Adam Turl. Music by Omnia Sol.
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