Wash Until They Bleed, drawing and digital collage, based on comments by nurse-comrades during the 2020 pandemic.
Like most museums, the Born Again Labor Museum (BALM) is closed until further notice. However, during this time of hardship, disease, and class struggle, we want to share with you some of our recently created artifacts (see below). BALM commemorates the coming rebirth or reanimation of all past, present, and future generations of the exploited and oppressed. Our project was started in the 1940s and 1950s by Mr. Robert Feature-214, the William and Jack Person brothers, and the Claudette and Jennifer Human cousins. For nearly four decades BALM existed as a traveling museum displaying artifacts of working-class performance. In the 1980s the museum fell on hard times and most of its artifacts were lost. The project was later taken over by Tish Markley and Adam Turl after discovering a book about BALM in the Charleston Outlet thrift store in Las Vegas, Nevada. To learn more about the Born Again Labor Museum please visit our website. We will keep you updated as to when the museum will reopen for the general public.
Commute w/ Invisible Monsters, drawing and digital collage.
Schrödinger's Proletariat, drawing and digital collage.
Hand-o-Fate (after Emory Douglas), drawing and digital collage.
The Fire Could Not Harm the Dog Faced Pony Soldiers, drawing and digital collage.
Worker’s Argus Panoptes, drawing and digital collage.
The True History of the UR Snake Oil (on Planet X), drawing and digital collage.
Curses of the Trash Mage (after a poem by Tish Markley) drawing and digital collage.
Flamingo Caduceus - a Preliminary Sketch 4 a Monument 2 The 2020 Las Vegas Victims of Covid 19, drawing and digital collage.
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