oddcpl Episode One: Dave + KARL

Hard times — a product of the capitalist realist death cult and its neofascist cousins — are here in a big way. The main struggles right now are with labor and mutual aid organizing. But Locust wants to contribute what we can. During the ongoing crisis we will be sharing art, stories and poetry on our website from Locust Review editors and contributors. These will be collected under the rubric “Locust Dispatches.” Issue #2 is scheduled to be back from the printer today (March 17, 2020) and all subscribers will be getting their print or digital copies soon. There may be a slight delay as we are, for the first time, printing our own postage as part of the overall effort toward social distancing. Below is our first “Locust Dispatch” fiction piece, Tish Markley’s oddcpl Episode One: Dave + KARL. Check back next Tuesday for Episode Two: Hard Reset.

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