Locust #4 ~ Call for Submissions!

“Without weird theory there can be no weird practice.” -- Lenin (maybe)

Somewhere, a fascist is tearing his own flesh off, shrieking with rage and despair. We relish it, even as we deduce how to put the same spell on all of them. The strength of one election was never going to be enough to make that particular plague spread with the same potency. Maybe we will figure out that particular formula in the pages of Locust Review, issue four.

Submissions are now open. As always, we want your words and images, your prose and poetry, your “this doesn’t quite fit in a normal world, in more than one way.” It needs a place. We have always sought to give it a place. We reckon, as the world spasms and unravels in so many unpredictable directions, it will continue to need a place. So send it to us by December 15th, please. 

As many of you know by now, the Locust project has expanded in recent months with the Locust Radio podcast. We are now looking to expand it again. Along with issue four, we will be releasing Imago in early 2021. If Locust is a publication that explores the artistic practice of the weird, then the yearly Imago will be where we seek to get a handle on its theory. It will provide a forum for exploring the political questions of the interregnum between dying worlds and new ones can be examined, featuring essays, reviews, and interviews. 

As with issue four, the deadline for Imago’s first issue is December 15th. If you think you have something we would like, then send it our way: And, as always, please don’t forget to subscribe so that both will be there in your mailbox this coming winter! 

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Submit work to Locust Review by e-mailing us at