Where they hung the jerk / That invented work
Read MoreThe Republic of Dreams
His work is better suited / for panic attacks / than anything smacking of pride.
Read MoreLong Hours Away from Home
these parasitic hours sitting through the night
Read MoreFree Black History
Free as black ants in a bladed line.
Read MoreSpring
into your asemic dreams
Read MoreStink Ape Resurrection Primer (Part Four)
As Ello turned off the world she searched its jails and prison cells for Dr. Ferthus.
Read MoreThe Land of Cokaygne
In Cokaygne food and drink are had without worry, trouble or toil.
Read MoreGolden Hour
“They know what you’re up to,” said the Voice. “You’re going to blow the whole thing. We should never have trusted you.”
Read MoreInvitation to Lubberland
‘Hot roasted pigs will meet ye,
Read MoreThe Red Temple
“Lay down your labors, good worker.
Put off your boots and gloves.
Enter, and be among your comrades whole.”
My Body's Long Term Plan
We are in the future. Not too distant future. We’re not flying in a spaceship or anything. We’re in a big rig semi, with a huge cabin, like a tiny house. On a road that looks like I-40, but the road sign we just passed said I-3958.
Read MoreDas Märchen von Schlauraffen
Then a cock crowed, Cock-a-doodle-doo! The story is all told--Cock-a-doodle-doo!
Read MoreFrom: PxmB Central Mainframe
My Species and I saw you from across the void and we really dig your vibe. We wanted to reach out to you so we sent you this email, all of you. We hope you don’t mind.
Read MoreAbandoned Mining Town
I heard scurrilous things:
babies with two heads
locked in the attic,
Another Country
Are you keeping things safe for poetry?
Read MoreRail Against
exploit, object. St. Louis as beeswax, resin
Read MoreLandlord Audacity
You, from inside your
publishing house of
unearned income,
A Farewell to Love Poems
Tenderness has no place here. / The long lineage / of gentle touch severed / by jagged images of the instant.
Read MoreBehold No More the Chalked Calves of the Hunter
the whip crack from the snout of the gun / steel elephant blued / to a deep, desperate negative / stark against the snow
Read MoreStink Ape Resurrection Primer (Part 3)
The Rumbumble followed, its bellowing laugh chipped through the alarm in a way that made Junyp’s head feel like it might explode. Just before the ship swallowed her, The Rumbumble chopped off her hand with its horn and pulled Junyp back. They watched the hatch slam shut. The ship burst up from the swamp with a slurpy whump and disappeared into the sky.
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